Meet the Maker/Mender: Erin Lewis Fitzgerald

Introducing our first Maker / Mender - Erin Lewis Fitzgerald - mender, author, and founder of modernmending.com.
She is a fan of using Nuno Deco fabric tape to creatively repair and patch your clothes and fabric wares.
In her words:
"I made Modern Mending because the book I wanted did not exist. And I set up the shop at modernmending.com because I hated shopping for mending supplies in multiple places when prepping for workshops. And if I — a mending enthusiast with expert knowledge of where to find stuff — hated shopping for mending supplies, than others were probably discouraged, too. So I set up a one-stop shop to make it more convenient for you to get started and find the best tools to mend your clothes, and more convenient for me to stock up on supplies in bulk."
To hear more about her Maker's journey, listen to this audio interview with me, Nicole McCarthy, from HOW.
* please note my audio is very poor, but Erin is crystal clear.